Terms and Conditions

We work exclusively with the latest version of the German Freight Forwarders’ Standard Terms and Conditions. We would like to point out that ADSp 2017 contains liability regulations in sections 22 to 27, which in part deviate from the legal regulations. The ADSp 2017 limit in section 23 the legal liability for damage to goods in accordance with § 431 of the German Commercial Code (HGB) for damage whilst in the care of a forwarder to 8.33 SDR/kg, in the case of multimodal transports, including sea transport to 2 SDR/kg, and furthermore to 1.25 million Euro or 2 SDR/kg per claim, whichever is the greater. For warehousing upon instruction paragraph 24 ADSp 2017 limits the liability of the freight forwarder for damage to goods to 8.33 SDR/kg, but not more than EUR 35,000 per claim. If the damage sustained by a principal consists of a difference between the nominal and actual inventory, the liability of the freight forwarder, in derogation of the above, is limited to 70,000 Euro per year. The liability of the freight forwarder for claims other than for damage to goods, accepting personal injury and damage to goods that are not subject to the contract of transportation, is limited to EUR 35,000 per claim. In any case the liability of the freight forwarder, with the exception of personal injury and damage to goods that are not subject to the contract of transportation, is limited, in the case of warehousing upon instruction, to EUR 2.5 million per event.